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Watch Xi You Xiang Mo Pian 2013 Full HD Movie

Watch Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013) Full HD Movie

Watch Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013)
  • MOVIE page: Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013)
  • Rate: 6.7/10 total 1,900 votes 
  • Genre: Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy
  • Runtime: 110 min
  • Filming Location: Heng Dian, China
  • Director: Masaaki Taniguchi
  • Stars: Qi Shu, Zhang Wen, Bo Huang | See full cast and crew
  • Original Music By: Ying-Wah Wong  (as Raymond Wong) 
  • Soundtrack: Fishermen's Song of the East Sea
  • Sound Mix: Dolby Digital (Dolby Atmos)
Writing Credits By:
  • Stephen Chow  and
  • Chi-kin Kwok  &
  • Xin Huo  &
  • Yun Wang  &
  • Chi Keung Fung  (as Fung Chih Chiang) &
  • Zhengyu Lu  (as Lu Zheng Yu) &
  • Shing-Cheung Lee  (as Lee Sheung Shing) &
  • Ivy Kong  (as Y.Y. Kong)

 - Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni Journey to the West  2013 Movie Trailer Journey to the West Conquering the Demons HD Trailer 2013 [ Vietsub + Kara] H H  (Nhng nm thng y) F4 - Liu Xing Yu w/ lyrics 

Plot: A story centered on Tang Sanzang, a Buddhist trying to protect a village from three demons, his emerging feelings for Miss Duan, the demon hunter who helps him repeatedly, and Sanzang's transformative encounter with the Monkey King. |  »

Story: A story centered on Tang Sanzang, a Buddhist trying to protect a village from three demons, his emerging feelings for Miss Duan, the demon hunter who helps him repeatedly, and Sanzang's transformative encounter with the Monkey King.

Produced By:

  • Alice Chow known as associate producer
  • Stephen Chow known as executive producer
  • Stephen Chow known as producer
  • Ping Dong known as executive producer
  • Ellen Eliasoph known as executive producer
  • Sanping Han known as executive producer
  • Ivy Kong known as producer (as Y.Y. Kong)
  • William Kong known as executive producer (as Bill Kong)
  • Zhongjun Wang known as executive producer (as Wang Zhong Jun)
  • Zhonglei Wang known as co-producer (as Wang Zhong Lei)
  • Bernard Yang known as associate producer
  • Dajun Zhang known as producer (as Zhang Daju)

FullCast & Crew:
  • Qi Shu known as Miss Duan
  • Zhang Wen known as Xuan Zang
  • Bo Huang known as Sun Wukong
  • Show Luo known as Prince Important
  • Shing-Cheung Lee known as Sand Monk
  • Bingqiang Chen known as KL Hog
  • Sihan Cheng known as Master Nameless
  • Yu Xing known as Fist of the North Star
  • Zhengyu Lu known as Killer Yi
  • Chi Ling Chiu known as Killer Er
  • Di Yang known as Killer San
  • Chrissie Chow known as Killer Si
  • Hangyu Ge known as Killer Wu / Short Monkey King
  • Min Hun Fung known as Taoist Priest
  • Lun Yeung known as Mayor
  • Chaoli Zhang known as Almighty Foot
  • Wenhui He known as Maple
  • Yixin Tang known as Blossom
  • Yichun Chen known as Gao Family Inn Manager
  • Zhanling Liu known as Gao Family Inn Manager
  • Xiaochuan Huang known as Leader of the Sand People
  • Yuwen Zhang known as Sheng
  • Min Xu known as Mrs. Gen
  • Jing LI known as Gen
  • Weifu Zhang known as Grandpa Gen
  • Fulin Fan known as Muscleman
  • Qihua Dai known as Lan
  • Kaijie Zhong known as Lan's Baby
  • Jingjing Xie known as Fat Lady
  • Qianwen Yu known as Fat Lady's Husband
  • Wushuang Kong known as Singing Girl
  • Gaoji Li known as Taoist Priest Fook
  • Feifei Wen known as Monk Lu
  • Haisen Huang known as Monk Shou

Production Companies:

  • Bingo Movie Development
  • Huayi Brothers
  • China Film Group
  • Village Roadshow Pictures Asia
  • Chinavision Media Group
  • EDKO Film
  • Venture 3D (3D Conversion)

Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013) Review by foggy grey from Singapore
Fortunately, the movie packs Stephen Chow's comedic style, or I wouldcall it contains his soul. There's Chow's usual style of comedy,action, love story, and some meaning behind life. Well, what more isneeded in a blockbuster movie? Unfortunately, nothing is perfect. Iwent into the cinema without any expectation, and I didn't read anyreviews so I could enjoy the whole movie as if I was the first to doso. I understand that Chow directed this movie, and even demonstratedto retain the "feel" of his usual style. Still, I find the first 15minutes of the movie to be a little dry in terms of humor. As theprotagonist enters the scene it was a bit difficult for me to laugh.However, as the story unfolds, and as the mainstream humor pours in,laughter floods the cinema wave after another. To add, theprotagonist's wacky hair style, does resemble Chow in some ways.

The CGI is of top quality, I can see the movie spending a lot of moneyon CGI. Many of the scenes contain a lot of visual detail andpicturesque grounds. The music is familiar and lovely, I shall notreveal too much.

Show Luo's appearance in this movie was like his usual funny-self inhis TV entertainment news. I would appreciate it more if he would haveneglected his usual style and adopted a new one. It's not a bad thing,but it's not a good thing too, it lies somewhere on the neutral side. Iguess on the good side, his fans will love to see him.

Trying my best not to disclose too much. This movie is a prequel to hisprevious 2 part movie, "A Chinese Odyssey Part One: Pandora's Box, andA Chinese Odyssey Part Two: Cinderella." The essence of this movie ishow it somehow relates to "A Chinese Odyssey" in terms of how life is,in its cycle. The feelings the protagonist experienced in this movie issimilar to what his disciple experienced in "A Chinese Odyssey". Thegood news for those who haven't seen "A Chinese Odyssey", is that youcan watch this movie on its own.

Lastly, there are some tear-jerking scenes. My eyes welled up at someparts, but I stayed a man. I would give this a 9.5 out of 10 because ofits imperfection, but the scores only allow whole numbers. So.... enjoythe movie.

Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013) Review by Victor YC Ong from Singapore
An absolute breakthrough...! From the refreshingly inventive script("X-MEN Origins" of Pigsy, Sandy etc.), mind-boggling CGI, dazzlingKungfu, beautiful cinematography, belly-aching comedy (look out for thehilarious fish demon purification scene), to the evocative moment whenyour heart is touched and your eyes streaming wet; which explains whyit broke China's box office records, reaching USD$100 million (overRMB$0.6 billion) in 8 days (the fastest ever), and taking in USD$12.5million (RMB$78 million) on the opening day alone (another first).

Stephen Chow has been honing his skill as a highly specializedfilm-maker par excellence, notably with Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle,CJ7 and now Journey to the West - Conquering the Demons; injectingphoto-realistic CGIs, comic innovations and content with a moralthread. Speaking of which, the key message that loving-kindness (Metta/ Ci Ai / Universal Love) for all sentient beings is a transcendentalquality that ultimately conquers ignorance, ego and hatred is conveyedpretty succinctly.*

Having watched it in both 2D and 3D, I must say that the stereoscopicversion certainly heightened the virtual realism that gave JamesCameron's Avatar an extra oomph.

The bad thing about this movie is - it leaves you hungry for even more,despite the running time being nearly 2 hours (110 min) in itscinematic version. Hopefully, Stephen Chow decides to produce a sequel,which would almost certainly need to feature a celestial dragon,perhaps like the magnificent one from Sam Neill's The Dragon Pearl.

*See Dhammapada (Ancient Collection of Short Sayings by The Buddha)Verse 5 - Hatred is never appeased by hatred. It is appeased only byloving-kindness. This is a timeless law.

Xi You Xiang Mo Pian (2013) Review by moviexclusive from Singapore
Can any earnest Stephen Chow fan be blamed for eagerly anticipating his"Journey to the West"? Aside from the fact that it marks his firstmovie in four years, it promises a return to the inimitable blend ofslapstick comedy, kung fu and romance which Chow had so successfullyparlayed into a winning formula in the duology "A Chinese Odyssey: PartOne – Pandora's Box" and "A Chinese Odyssey: Part Two – Cinderella" –never mind that Chow does not reprise his role as the "Monkey King" orfor that matter have any starring role in this new movie.

Fortunately, Chow's fans can rest easy – despite not having anyphysical presence in the movie, this "Journey" is classic Chow from theacting to the writing and to the directing, the latter two roles ofwhich he is credited for in addition to producing the movie. Andperhaps the best news of it all is that Chow returns to the sheerinspired inanity and hilarity of "Shaolin Soccer" and "Kung Fu Hustle",so be prepared to be rib-tickled silly by the misadventures of MissDuan (Shu Qi) and Xuan Zang (Zhang Wen) in demon country.

Those familiar with the classic "Journey to the West" novel will knowthat Xuan Zang is also known as Tripitaka, who would be entrusted byGuanyin with the mission of recovering the sacred texts together withthree disciples – Monkey King, Zhu Bajie and Sand Monk. Chow leavesthat tale for the inevitable sequel; rather, in this movie, he fashionsin essence a prequel, where Xuan Zang is no more than an amateur demonhunter yet to attain enlightenment, Monkey King or Sun Wukong (HuangBo) is a conniving demon imprisoned in a cave by Buddha, Zhu Bajie is apig demon called KL Hogg (Chen Bing Qiang) who especially kills womenwho lust after handsome men, and Sand Monk (Lee Sheung Qing) is ahalf-fish half-beast water demon who wrecks havoc on fishingcommunities living near the water.

You'll do well to remember that each demon you see on screen is ofsignificance; otherwise you may be wondering why the screenplay,credited to Chow and seven other writers seems to dwell too excessivelyon each particular demon-slaying encounter – beginning with Sand Monk,then KL Hogg and finally to Sun Wukong. Indeed, the movie is reallymade up of these three distinct sequences, with the exception of onemore that builds on the budding romance between Xuan Zang and his muchmore skilled and experienced fellow demon hunter Miss Duan.

Within that narrative structure, Chow constructs four elaboratelystaged battles that combine his brand of quirky humour, choreographerKu Huen Chiu's imaginative action and production designer Bruce Yu'srichly conceived sets with some truly impressive CGI that rivalsanything you have seen so far in Chinese cinema. Thankfully, Chowdoesn't get caught up with putting on the best visual effects show; infact, with an inspired and confident directorial hand, he balances allthese elements deftly, never forgetting that his audience is expectingnothing less than his signature brand of laughs.

Right from the start, you'll know that Chow's comedic sensibilities areat his sharpest. He takes his time to set each scene – for instance, inthe first sequence, a charlatan is seen tricking the villagers that agiant sting ray he had blasted dead in the water was responsible forone of their own's death, so much so that when the real culprit (i.e.the water demon) appears, that entrance is even more dramatic. Dittofor the appearance of KL Hogg and Sun Wukong, whose appearances in fullglory are again preceded by red herrings that make the 'coming-out'more impactful.

Chow again demonstrates an exceptional ability to juggle comedy andtragedy – here, in engineering humour amidst the deaths of others bythe respective demons – and it is to his credit again that placingthese two elements side by side in every sequence does not make themovie any tonally jarring at any point. And of course, as with all hisfilms, this one features his unique brand of exaggerated slapstick -like the obscenely over-sized woman who comes to save the day (think"Kung Fu Hustle" and "CJ7") or the occasional gross joke that involvessome inappropriate kissing – and his cheeky tendencies of confoundinggenre stereotypes.

In place of his mug, Chow has found his proxy in the form of Mainlandactor Zhang Wen. It is said that Chow shows his actors just how heexpects them to act in every scene, and in the case of Zhang Wen, weare sure Chow must have showed Zhang the way he would have played therole himself. You can almost see Chow through Zhang's rubber-facedmannerisms - and the same goes for Huang Bo, who plays the mischievousSun Wukong with more than a hint of Stephen Chow.

Chow also fashions the love story between Zhang and Shu Qi the way heand co-star Athena Chu used to in the 'A Chinese Odyssey' films, andthere are certain recognizable shades of similarities in therelationship between Xuan Zhang/ Miss Duan and Monkey King/ Zixia inthe latter. Nonetheless, Shu Qi isn't simply a stand-in for Athena Chu– fearsome when fighting demons like an oriental Tomb Raider and yetamorous when it comes to romancing Xuan Zhang, she is thoroughlyalluring from start to end in the very sexy and sassy manner we wouldexpect from her.

So really, there's little to worry even though you won't see StephenChow in the movie – every bit of it is quintessentially Chow. Like his'A Chinese Odyssey' movies, this "Journey" has action, comedy, romanceand the additional ingredient of CGI to ensure an alternately amusingand suspenseful and thrilling ride from start to finish.

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